Let's Write Spring! (Part 3)

This is a copy of a post, originally written on Medium. I've since rehosted it here. If you haven’t read Part 1 or Part 2 you should definitely do that first. As I mentioned at the end of Part 2, we’re pretty much done with building out Spring’s DI. We took care of @Qualifier annotations in the previous part, but so far it’s only been implemented on @Autowired fields. Let’s explore other places in which the @Qualifier annotation can be used.
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Let's Write Spring! (Part 2)

This is a copy of a post, originally written on Medium. I've since rehosted it here. If you haven’t read Part 1 you should definitely do that first. Last time we got a basic implementation of Spring’s DI working, with @Component and @Autowired annotations working. In this post, we’re going to handle @Configuration classes and @Bean annotations on methods, as well as any issues that will now be able to arise around duplicate beans.
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Let's Write Spring! (Part 1)

This is a copy of a post, originally written on Medium. I've since rehosted it here. In my previous article (Let’s Write Redux!), I walked through most of the API of the javascript state management library Redux. I started with the API as it’s laid out in the documentation and guides, and then built out all of those functions. My goal there was to demystify some of the things that Redux does, in an effort to make it feel less like magic.
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